Start Hacking!
Start Hacking!
Just a normal blog - articles without videos
New is being redesigned and with those changes will come written articles for videos.
Business, Money, 300k Subscribers and What's Next
It's been a while since I talked about the state of the channel. So let's recap 2018 and look into the future.
The Origin of Script Kiddie - Hacker Etymology
The term script kiddie probably originated around 1994, but the first public record is from 1996.
Protect Linux Server From Hackers
There are many "best practices" when it comes to protecting your Linux server from hacking; we discuss their pros & cons and whether you should use them.
Pentesting vs. Pentesting vs. Bug Bounty
Pentesting involves hacking into companies. "Pentesting", or application security, involves analyzing code to find potential security issues in websites and applications. We discuss aspects of each, and where bug bounties fit between them.
Do NOT use alert(1) in XSS
Using the alert(1) XSS payload doesn't actually tell you where the payload is executed. Choosing alert(document.domain) and alert(window.origin) instead tells you about where the code is being run, helping you determine whether you have a bug you can submit.
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